We are in the midst of a worldwide discussion about the "decolonization of thought," as the former president of the Goethe-Institut Klaus-Dieter Lehmann points out. It is about dealing with racism and, among other things, the question of the return of art objects acquired in colonial times, which was initiated by the French President Macron with his political decision for the return of these objects.

The construction:

The top of the pyramid should be lifted into the air by a balloon filled with helium. This is held in position by ropes. These form the contour of the pyramid. A total of more than 800 ropes will be used.

According to the current concept, the pyramid has a side length of 180 meters and a height of 110 meters.  The interior of the pyramid should be able to be used for events. At some installation locations the pyramid should be positioned on the water.  For this purpose it would be placed on a pontoon construction similar to the Christo project The Floating Piers


The pyramid art installation is to be set up in various cities for at least 6 weeks. The journey of this pyramid to different places is a proposal of the authors of the project: Hannover on the Maschsee, Paris on the Place de la Concorde to underline the legislation of the Macron government to return the artworks of the colony, in the bay of Algiers, on the Niger river, in Abu Dhabi at the Louvre, in Venice at the arsenal of the art biennale, at the documenta in Kassel, in New York at the Migration Museum, and finally in Berlin on the Tempelhofer Feld.

The feasibility has already been tested by the group "THE JOURNEY OF THE PYRAMID" Kamel Louafi - Robert Meyknecht - Mike Schlaich


Text Kamel Louafi & Felix Dickenberger